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Our 4th event, June 2024

Categories: Previous Events

The Corsetry Retreat

Tutors – Elizabeth Moody, Emma Brackenbury and Izzy Miners

The Corsetry Retreat was held in Skendleby Hall, a beautiful manor house in the Lincolnshire Wolds UK.   

The June 2024 Corsetry Retreat included a full schedule of workshops with experienced tutors, as well as time to relax in the historic surroundings and unwind in the hall’s lounge and game’s rooms.  We also had a massage therapist on hand for a selection of treatments for guests and the team.

A group of people sitting and standing in a large mansion's living-room. They are posing for the camera and holding their hands up in the air while laughing.

Around the scheduled workshops Emma and Beth and Izzy were also on hand throughout the day to help troubleshoot existing projects.

  • Day one was pattern drafting, giving guests the opportunity to experiment with flat drafting as well as draping on the stand. We also had an embroidery and embellishment workshop to help elevate the creations to different hights.
  • Day two consisted of toiling and fitting to ensure corset fits perfectly, as well as a second embroidery and embellishment workshop.
  • Day three focused on construction techniques, sampling all the techniques to use, or simply added time to start constructing corsets. 
  • A female standing int he center of the room with a mock-up corset on her. Another female stands to her side and is drawing on the mock-up. A lady is sitting to the side and watching.

  • 2 women sat on a sofa with an embroidery canvas in front of them. 1 of the women is using it, while the other looks on and guides them.

  • 6 women are gathered around a large fabric cutting table. They are all working, while some look at each other and talk between themselves.

  • Someone is in the left of the image working on a costume pattern which is taking up the majority of the image. It has pins in it and rectangles are marked on it.

  • A female is marking white fabric with a pin wheel. She is looking down at her work intently and has a tape measure loosely around her neck.

  • A woman is standing in the forefront and holding up some a sample piece of white cloth which is pleated. 2 people are sitting in the background and watching. The venue has beautiful wooden panelling on the windows in the background.

  • A lovely, sunny day with green grass in the background and trees. A picknick buffet is laid out on a table and a female is sat at a table in the background looking into the distance and smiling.

  • A female is sat at a Singer sewing machine. They are holding up a small sample of corsetry backing. She wears glasses and is in a white blouse and cream cardigan.

  • 10 women are sat around a large table in a lovely manor house living-room. The sun is beaming in through the windows and they are all looking at 1 of the women which is smiling at them as they teach them.

  • 7 women are sat around a large table in a lovely manor house living-room. The sun is beaming in through the windows and they are all looking at 1 of the women which is smiling at them as they teach them. In front of the teacher is a Singer sewing machine.

  • 2 women sat on a sofa with an embroidery canvas in front of them. 1 of the women is using it, while the other looks on and guides them.

  • 3 women are sitting on 1 side of a round table. They are all laughing. 1 women is stood in the background and is smiling knowingly at the camera.

  • A woman is stood at an ironing board and is ironing a piece of fabric. They have braids and are wearing a checked shirt. There is lovely wooden panelling on the walls.

  • An elderly lady is on the left of the image. On the right a male is kneeling down and presenting a crumpet on a plate with candles on it. In the center is the back of a lady in a white corset. They are all laughing.

  • Puddings are laid out on a table. Someone is holding a plate on the left of the image and someone else is holding a glass on the left of the image.

  • A woman is standing in front of a projector that says Victoria 1830-1900' on it. She is dressed in a bonnet and large white dress, with a brown corset over it. People are sitting around and watching.

Want to ask about booking, or just got a question?

Just drop us a message below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.