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What’s on the Schedule?

We have a full schedule of workshops throughout our events, within which we aim to arm you with all the skills and knowledge needed to create your own well-fitting, well-made corsets or stays (event dependant).

Each day will be focusing on a different skill set. Part one will be pattern drafting, and historical inspiration. Part two will consist of toiling and fitting, and the last section will focus on construction techniques where you can sample all the techniques you might want to use, or you can simply use the time to start constructing your corset or stays.

At our XL events you will also have more time to complete your corset with the tutors on hand for guidance, and a schedule of guest talks and speakers.

You will leave the event with all the knowledge and materials you need to finish your corset or stays. Throughout each day you will have our two experienced tutors on hand to guide you, each workshop will start with a series of demonstrations led by the tutors and then workshop time where they will help you through the processes.

All workshops, talks and demos are optional, it’s your holiday, you choose what you want to attend.

24th to 30th January 2025 - The Corsetry Retreat XL
14th to 18th March 2024 - The Corsetry Retreat
6th to 10th June 2024 - The Corsetry Retreat
4th to 8th November 2024 - The Corsetry Retreat - Stays Edition

Want to ask about booking, or just got a question?

Just drop us a message below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.