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Tutor - Emma Brackenbury

Emma is an experienced costume maker for film and theatre, working on productions such as Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, Fantastic Beasts, Tulip Fever, and Artemis Fowl.

She trained at Huddersfield University studying her BA in costume with textiles and later her MA in creative pattern cutting.

Having a specific interest in structured garments and technical details including corsetry, she is happiest when lost in making beautiful creations. Emma has devised her own drafting methods for corsetry cups and stays, which she teaches at the retreat.

Alongside her freelance work she works as a visiting lecturer at a variety of universities.

Emma Brackenbury's headshot. She is looking to the left. She is wearing a black jumper, with black hair that has a white streak at the front. There is a purple bar to the right of her that states her name in a white font. The image states that the Photographer is Chris Chinnock in the bottom right.
  • A person wearing a blood red Stay and matching skirt. She has bright red eye makeup and short blonde hair.

  • A cream dress made by Emma Brackenbury. The model is looking to the right and down at the floor. The dress is golden brown and cream or yellow with beads all over it. The Photographer is Richard Marsden.

  • A photo of a person standing in a bright green field and reaching out to a bush. They are wearing a shite dress and corset, with a band of flowers in their hair. At the bottom it says the photographer is Janey Lazenby.

  • A person wearing a red stripy corset and facing to the right. They have a huge Mohican hair style and there are red lasers behind them. The photographer is Michael Lancaster.

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