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Tutor - Izzy Miners - June '24

Izzy has been embroidering for many years, her passion grew into her business where she creates fantastically detailed brooches and artworks. She also specialises in adorning garments with embroidery, fabric manipulations and other embellishments.

Izzy trained at the university of Huddersfield with a BA in Costume with Textiles, achieving an award for excellence in experimental construction and textiles prize.

She is now a trainee costume maker in both theatre and HETV. She is happiest when exploring colours and form, turning threads into beautiful embroideries and fabrics into wonderful garments. She is skilled in combining her love of costume construction and embellishment to create fantastic garments.

See Izzy’s Instagram for more

Izzy Miners is facing the camera and smiling. She is leaning back on white and blue tiles and is wearing a white strap top.
  • A woman looking at the camera with a serious expression. She is wearing a dark red dress with lots of white and gold embroidery on it. It is inspired by the character Anneshka Mazanar from the book ‘A Clock of Stars’ by Francesca Gibbons.

  • An embroidery Kingfisher. It is in a flying position and has a green fish in it's beak.

  • 2 embroidered blue Whales. They are swimming together, one above the other.

  • An embroidery Octopus. It is orange and has swirling tentacles. It is on a light orange strip of fabric.

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