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Our 2nd event, November 2023

Categories: Previous Events

The Corsetry Retreat November ’23, held at Skendleby hall in Lincolnshire, UK – Published December ’23

The Corsetry Retreat was held in Skendleby Hall, a beautiful manor house in the Lincolnshire Wolds UK.  

The weekend included a full schedule of corsetry workshops, as well as time to relax in the historic surroundings, meet with like-minded people, and unwind in the hall’s hot tub and sauna or in the snooker or games rooms. 

Each day was focussing on a different skill set. Day one was pattern drafting and creating historical shapes, day two was consisting of toiling to get the perfect fit, and the last day was focusing on construction techniques where people sampled all the techniques they might want to use, or spent their time to start constructing their corsets. 

A group of people outside a large stately home, lit by sunlight.
  • A woman is wearing a black corset with small, purple flowers on it. Her top underneath it is also black with smaller purple flowers on it. She is talking and her right hand is in the air with the back of her palm facing forwards.

  • 2 women looking at a piece of paper on a table. 1 has dark hair and is wearing all black and the other has pink hair and is wearing all pink.

  • 2 women are in the middle of the picture. 1 is on her knees facing the other and is sewing into a corset that the other woman is wearing. There is a large mirror behind them and several high end chairs and a marble fireplace behind them.

  • A woman is bending forwards over a table and is drawing onto a clothing pattern with a ruler. The sun is shining in on her and there is a cup of coffee in front of her.

  • A woman is sat at a table and writing in a small notebook. She is wearing glasses, has dark hair tied back in a checker band and is wearing a grey jumper.

  • A woman is facing the camera and is sat behind a sewing machine. She is holding a pair of scissors and is smiling. Behind her is a wooden wall panelling and large wooden cabinet.

  • A warm and cosy looking room with 5 women in it at sewing machines.. In the foreground, one of the women is looking down at their work. She is wearing glasses and a pink and purple jumper.

  • A lady looking down over a table with a clothing pattern on it. She is wearing a red top with flowers on it.

  • A lady sat at a sewing machine in a large, stately home room. The sun is shining through large windows behind her.

  • A woman is explaining something with their hands in front of them. She is sat behind a table that has corset making tools on it. Behind her is a large, flat-back piano.

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